Adding space, adding value


In 2019, the world was forced, through dramatic circumstances and rapid change, to adjust to a new day-to-day working and living environment. Today, in 2021, the old routine of 4-5 days in the office, studio, clinic, retail and even education facilities …is gone. We all find ourselves, where possible, working remotely. Statisticians are predicting that on average, we will continue ‘working from home’ approximately 80-90% of the working week...AKA the dining room table, hall, bedroom...anywhere we can grab some peace and quiet.

Whilst most of us are appreciating the new ‘work-life-balance’, walking from the bedroom to the dining or kitchen table, every day, is not conducive to either a creative, practical, or productive working environment. Also, what we save on travel...we now pay on heating our homes...where previously this was often at the expense of our employers

So, if you have the space, we can help you utilise it, creating something beautiful yet functional and sustainable. 


The Annexe is one of our current projects, one which we have become very attached to. From the very first idea, we have been guiding the project through the many stages to get to where we are today. We are transforming this outbuilding from an unused space into an eco friendly, sustainable Annexe, with home office, bedroom, kitchen and living areas.